Saturday 29 August 2009

Driver hits cyclists: wrist slap from Courts

This story shows just how much toleration extends to car drivers who ignore the rules. The only defence missing seems to have been that the driver was drunk as well as 'late for work'.

Author: Peter Hardwick from The Chronicle

LATE for work and frustrated at being held-up by slow moving traffic, Michael John Green had tried to speed past the vehicles in front only to leave a group of cyclists sprawled on Bridge Street, Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard.

Green, 36, had pulled in behind three cars travelling slowly on Bridge Street about 6am, June 10, the court heard.

Late for work, he had pulled out to overtake the three cars only to discover a group of cyclists leading the traffic approaching the West Street intersection, prosecutor Sergeant Greg Lewis said.

Trying to speed around the cyclists, Green’s car clipped one cyclist sending about six sprawling.

He had then driven off through a red light and sped through Newtown backstreets followed by an off-duty policeman who had seen the incident.

Read the whole story here:

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