Tuesday 30 October 2007

Social riders triumph again

They glided, they ambled, they chatted and at times strained. When they had breath they tried hard not to tell Peter of South Africa’s win in the Rugby Union World Cup before he had a chance to watch the replay.

The October Toowoomba Social BUG ride chequered-flag saw 17 people whisper their way into the Oxygen Café, one by one, except that some came in two’s… by tandem.

Leaving for adventures around the town the ‘postie’ red bicycle gleamed, restored with a fresh coat of enamel after a decade or two of rust. A daily workhorse this beast, and just recently returned from the Brisbane to Gold Coast grand-day-out.

An equally old bike, with equally old brake rubbers, broke the peaceful descents with a screech. They will be changed by the next ride.

Those for whom the hill proved too much… were free to walk to the top.

The ‘mountain must be conquered’ spirit of Tour de France was half a world plus a hemisphere away from the casual crisp air of this Sunday morning Toowoomba BUG ride.

They came, they rode and they conquered.

The next ride is the third Sunday of November.

See you there.

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