Toowoomba seems to have a sister city in New Zealand if you have a read of this:
Spokes is developing a vision or "manifesto" for cycling in Christchurch. These "Top 10 initiatives" are what we would like to see happen to make Christchurch a cycling friendly city. We are inviting feedback from Spokes members and other interested parties. It is proposed that the final statement incorporating feedback will be adopted at the Spokes AGM on Tuesday 20 May.
Spokes considers that the following measures are necessary to improve the quality of the existing cycling environment in Christchurch, and to achieve sustainable growth in the number of city cyclists in the medium and long term. These measures apply to facilities, areas and programmes administered by the Christchurch City Council, adjoining Districts, the Canterbury Regional Council, and State Highways administered by Transit NZ, as well as other cycling facilities and initiatives within the greater Christchurch area.
The proposed measures are not listed in order of priority as we consider that an integrated approach incorporating all these actions and outcomes is needed to improve the current conditions for cycling in Christchurch, and to increase participation on the future. In combination the measures provide a vision for cycling that will form the basis for Spokes cycling advocacy. Spokes will identify particular priorities within these measures from time to time.
1) Encourage more cycle-friendly land use and development planning
Planning, urban design and growth management and infrastructure provision that support walking, cycling and public transport use and encourages people to live near where they work, shop, and play.
2) Lower urban speed limits and traffic calming
30 km/h speed limits in downtown streets and selected residential roads, part-time school speeds and physical changes to the road environment in key locations to reduce the speed and volume of motor traffic.
3) Make the central city more cycle-friendly
Improve the central city environment for cycling, including through traffic calming and speed and parking restrictions, safe through-routes and traffic-free corridors and linkages. Develop convenient cycle parking facilities and a CBD "bike station" for cycle commuters.
4) Audit and maintain the existing cycle network
An ongoing programme to monitor existing components of the cycle network, and maintain or enhance its condition.
5) Continue cycling network improvements
Continue to improve and expand the city's overall cycle network, in particular by addressing pinch points, improving intersections, removing car parking that is an impediment to safe cycling, completing "missing links", and expanding "bikes on buses" facilities.
6) Provide more off road and separated cycle corridors
Develop convenient cycle routes and linkages that are segregated from traffic, including: physically separated lanes in or adjoining road corridors, railway rights of way, parks, waterway margins, and quiet streets; using land purchases and under-passes/over-bridges to provide linkages where necessary.
7) Identify and promote model cycle routes that will increase cycling participation
Identify key cycle routes (both on and off road) that are suitable for development as model cycle ways for increasing cycling participation, ensure these are of a good standard, and promote them through a variety of methods, including signage and marking, maps, householders and other advertising, and school and work visits.
8) Strongly promote sustainable travel plans
Travel management programmes for schools, major businesses, other large organisations, unions and employer associations, to encourage greater use of walking, cycling and public.
9) Promote road user education and improve enforcement
An ongoing programme to highlight key road user behaviour/ safety messages to the respective groups and to enforce traffic regulations and bylaws that affect cycling safety and convenience.
10) Expand the number of city cycling events and promotions
A greater range of initiatives supporting cycling, such as bike rides, social marketing, cycle tours, training sessions, school promotions and public events.
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